Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Is It the End or Only the Beginning?

So, Is it the End or Only the Beginning?
I would have to say it is the beginning! I have learned so many different tricks and web based tools that I never knew I had access to. Doing the 23 Things has really opened my eyes. I will be using a lot of what I learned here throughout my career. It really surprised me how the concept of the 23 Things came in full circle. The only way I would say to improve it is to update with technology as it does so. Doing the 23 Things encouraged me to create my own blogs at the beginning of the semester and hopefully I will maintain them. Sometimes it is difficult being so busy. I plan to at least blog when something I find to be very significant happens. Thanks for the great semester!

Thing #23

My knowledge about copyright and Creative commons has really grown this semester. It is something I have to be sure to follow as a student and a teacher. Sometimes it is so convenient to incorporate something that is not yours into your lesson and some never get caught. We have to be sure to be good examples and show the students how to properly do it and to obey the laws ourselves.

I looked up 23 Things and I found it is based off of the 43 Things website. This is very ironic but I am sure planned that the twenty-third blog about creative commons is about this whole project,23 Things, being a prime example of the creative commons. This was very interesting to find out and there have been many interesting and helpful things I ahve learned from 23 Things blogging.

Thing #22

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thing #21

Using Animoto was probably the easiest thing I have ever done! Signing up was very easy and making the video was even easier. I really wish it did not cost money to make long videos but my 30 second video turned out great! I really enjoyed this website. Here is my video! 23 things video

Monday, April 15, 2013

Thing #20

I use YouTube on a regular basis, more so for entertainment.  It can be used on a school libraries in a variety of ways. It can show book trailers or students presentations. The possibilities are endless. I love YouTube and although there is inappropriate material there is also very educational material. I am not sure if you wanted educational videos in this post but I thought this one was hilarious! I guess in a way it could be educational. Either way, I thought you may find it funny. Everyone in my house did! It is called 

How animals eat their food....

Thing #19

I am a member of many online communities such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Teacher Pop, Good reads and I am sure there are others I am forgetting. Nothing was not interesting to me, I will do anything that I can stay on to procrastinate. I browsed around on Teacher Pop and it was a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. I actually spent quite a bit of time reading things on there. This is definitely something I will use later on when I am in the field.

Thing #18

I have used Facebook for many years and here is my Facebook profile. I am fairly new to Twitter and here is my twitter profile. I am more of a Facebook fan! I have to admit I get pretty addicted. I do not post as often as many but I love getting on and catching up with everyone. It is important for educators to stay up to date with technology and social media. They need to know what the students are into. Facebook is good for schools to network with each other. Your classroom can have a page for the parents or for other teachers. Facebook is more user friendly but Twitter uses hash-tags and that is very cool itself! Both of these social networks are very addicting and enjoyable to use.